Pets for Vets is a fledgling program at Project Purr Animal Rescue in Mobile, Alabama.

We were inspired to create this program when a young Marine came to our adoption center to adopt a kitten. He had been wounded during his deployment, and wanted a companion animal to help him through his recovery. His story of recovery and hope has inspired us to start this new program to match up service members with local rescue pets.

We are working with other local rescues to add dogs to the animal type that veterans may be matched up with.

Veterans may adopt a cat or dog at no charge, and with a pet starter kit. Active duty service members can adopt a cat or dog for only $25. All pets have their spay or neuter and vaccinations and any other relevant medical covered prior to adoption.

To nominate a veteran, or to enroll yourself in the program to adopt a pet, please fill out the form below.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who can enroll in the program?

A. Any former or current United States Armed Forces Member who lives within 75 miles of Mobile, Alabama.


Q. Are there any costs associated with this program?

A. All pets are sponsored by donors, so there is no charge to retired and discharged veterans. Active duty service members qualify for a reduced adoption fee of $25 per pet.


Q. How do I sign up for the program?

A. Use the contact form above, or email us at


Q. How are pets "matched up" to veterans?

A. You can visit our adoption center by appointment or during our open hours to pick out your new companion.  Appointments can be made by emailing us at


Q. How do I sponsor a pet for a veteran?

A. Visit Our YouCaring Page HERE